dak for Debian

1. Insanity
2. Base Directory
3. Initial setup
4. Crontabs/Scripts
5. Environment
6. Steps to a working dak

1. Insanity

This is the package for dak, the "Debian Archive Kit", sometimes known
as katie (but katie is "only" a (central) part of it).

First: You won't, and you can't, use dak simply by installing this
package, but it should help for many things. At least I tried to get it
to do this. You need to follow this Readme. Really.

	a. Read the docs.
	b. Look at the example configs.
	c. Install mini-dinstall or debarchiver and use them.
	d. If you still read this you are insane or in a need of a 
	   archive kit for a huge archive and don't want to use
	   mini-dinstall -> go on with dak.

2. Base Directory

This package asks a debconf question for the base-directory. Most of dak
will work in that directory, some default files are also copied there.
This package only creates one base directory, but in theorie you can run
thousands of dak-setups on a single machine - simply copy the katie/
subdirectory to the base-directory for the new dak and run rose there.

3. Initial setup

After the package is installed, or you added a new base-directory, you
should edit the configuration files. This package delivers some basic
configuration files, which are adapted to the path you enter in Debconf,
and then copied to that path. If you later want to look at them again,
see /usr/share/dak/config.

More Configuration Examples, including the ones that are in use for the
Debian Archive, can be found in /usr/share/doc/dak together with a whole
lot of Readmes for different purposes.

4. Crontabs/Scripts

dak needs some jobs started by cron to run properly. For example to
process new files in the incoming directory there should be a cronjob
doing exactly this every X minutes. For this one there is a ready-to-use
cron.unchecked file in your base/katie directory. You only need to setup
the entry in katies crontab to let cron execute it every X minutes.

The directory /usr/share/doc/dak/crontabs also contains a few other
example scripts. Please note: They are real-life examples, used on the
Debian machines. You don't want to use them exactly like they are, adapt
them to your needs. ESPECIALLY CHANGE ALL EMAIL ADDRESSES that are in them.

An example crontab for katie is in the file katie.crontab, adjust
it to your needs.

5. Environment

You should define SCRIPTVARS in your environment (and that of your dak
user) to point to your base/vars file, it's used by many scripts.

6. Steps to a working dak

a. Have your postgresql up and running. I assume it is on the localhost,
   if not change your config files (katie.conf) for dak.
b. run createuser YOURDAKUSERNAME with a user that is allowed to create
   databases and allow YOURDAKUSERNAME to create a database. This user
   needs to be superuser in the database as it runs COPY from a file later.
d. rose
e. Watch how the directories are created.
f. Add a group "ftpmaster" to your postgresql database.
   At a psql prompt a CREATE GROUP ftpmaster; should do it.
   Add your YOURDAKUSERNAME to this group.
g. Change to your DAKDIR/katie and run /usr/share/dak/neve -a and watch
   her creating the database. If it ends with some VACUUM and two GRANTs
   it worked.
   Be careful, neve DROPS your database, so don't run it if you like the
   data that is in that database!
h. You need to get your maintainers in the database. The Debian Archive
   uses a script (emilie) that syncs with its LDAP Server, but you
   probably don't want to sync with Debian's LDAP. :)
   If you have a setup with an LDAP Server, look at emilie and their
   config options. If not, there is a script called uma which helps you
   to do this. You basically give it a keyid with the -k parameter and
   it will do the rest, after asking you if you like the action.
   If you told it to create a system user for the new account it will
   run useradd to do the stuff, for that YOURDAKUSERNAME needs sudo
   access to useradd, with NOPASSWD set. It will also add new users to
   the mail whitelist file, if you have that option enabled (it is per
i. Repeat step h for every user you have.
j. Install the cronjobs you need. Start with cron.unchecked which is
   already copied in /YOURDAKPATH/katie/cron.unchecked and asks
   jennifer to process new uploads. The Crontab Debian uses can be found
   in  /usr/share/doc/dak/crontabs as an example.
k. You should setup the keyring for katie now. Do a command similar to
   the following, but adjust your path:
   gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring /opt/dak/keyrings/keyring.gpg
l. To let ziyi sign the Release files you need a s3kr1t key.
   gpg --gen-key and follow the prompts. Then move it from the home of
   YOURDAKUSERNAME to the path of "SigningKeyring" from the
   config. Both, public and private key. Write your Keyid in the config
   value "SigningKeyIds". Remember that the signing works automagically,
   so a passphrase on the key doesnt help...
m. If you followed until here you made your archive run and accepting
   new uploads. Except they are not installed - you need another script
   for this in your crontab. cron.daily, look in the examples. Change it
   to fit your needs (disable billie for now as a first step, change
   email addresses), and let it run as often as you wish. I suggest
   daily or hourly.
n. Of course there must be a way to get the files up to the
   archive. Setup a ftp server to let users upload into
   queue/unchecked. Only be careful that all files are read/writeable by
   the YOURDAKUSERNAME or you will have troubles. :)

 -- Joerg Jaspert <joerg@debian.org>, Mon, 29 Nov 2004 20:04:27 +0100