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hackfest2009:annonce_du_projet_en_anglais [2009/09/07 10:10] créée
hackfest2009:annonce_du_projet_en_anglais [2009/09/07 14:41] (Version actuelle)
Ligne 1: Ligne 1:
 [ANNOUCEMENT] MapOSMatic: automatic generation of cities'​ map from OpenStreetMap data [ANNOUCEMENT] MapOSMatic: automatic generation of cities'​ map from OpenStreetMap data
 ====== Short Version ====== ====== Short Version ======
-We are pleased to announce the release of MapOSMatic, a set of tools to automatically generate cities'​ map from OpenStreetMap data. MapOSMatic takes care of generating a labelled grid over the map, a list of street with references matching the grid and nice layout of the city if its administrative boundaries are known. MapOSMatic is Open Source / Free Software licensed under AGPLv3.+We are pleased to announce the release of MapOSMatic, a set of tools to automatically generate cities'​ map from OpenStreetMap data. MapOSMatic takes care of generating a labelled grid over the map, a list of street with references matching the grid as well as a nice layout of the city if its administrative boundaries are known. For now, it only supports rendering French metropolitan cities'​ maps, but it will soon be extended to other parts of the world. MapOSMatic is Open Source / Free Software licensed under AGPLv3. 
 +Generation of maps can be requested online: 
 + ​http://​maposmatic.org/​ 
 +Example of generated map: 
 +  * Map:  
 + ​http://​maposmatic.org/​smedia/​chavagne.png 
 + ​http://​maposmatic.org/​smedia/​chavagne.pdf 
 +  * Street index: 
 + ​http://​maposmatic.org/​smedia/​chavagne_index.png 
 + ​http://​maposmatic.org/​smedia/​chavagne_index.pdf 
 +====== Longer Version ====== 
 +===== MapOSMatic ===== 
 +MapOSMatic is a web application to generate maps of cities or towns, including index of streets, from OpenStreetMap data. It is written in Python. 
 + ​http://​maposmatic.org/​ 
 +It is made of two components:​ 
 +  * MapOSMatic, the web front-end. An application written using the Django framework which allows to submit and visualize map rendering jobs. The rendering is done in the background by a daemon called maposmaticd;​ 
 +  * OCitySMap, the back-end that generates the map. It is available as a Python module, used both by the maposmaticd daemon (above) and by a simple command line application. 
 +MapOSMatic is currently limited to France metropolitan area for several technical reasons. We are eager to get contribution helping us to lift up this limitation. 
 +MapOSMatic depends on PostgreSQL, PostGIS, Mapnik, OpenStreetMap data, Python, Cairo and Django. 
 +===== License ===== 
 +MapOSMatic is Open Source / Free Software. All maposmatic and ocitysmap code is licensed under GNU Affero General Public License 3.0. 
 +===== Contributing ===== 
 +The MapOSMatic development project is hosted at Savannah:  
 +  http://​savannah.nongnu.org/​projects/​maposmatic/​ 
 +A development and user mailing list is available:​ 
 +  http://​lists.nongnu.org/​mailman/​listinfo/​maposmatic-dev 
 +To clone the git repositories of modules do: 
 +  git clone git://​git.savannah.nongnu.org/​maposmatic.git 
 +  git clone git://​git.savannah.nongnu.org/​maposmatic/​ocitysmap.git
-Example+To browse those git repositories,​ look at
-  Map: http://maposmatic.org/smedia/chavagne.png +    * http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/maposmatic.git 
-  Street index: ​http://maposmatic.org/smedia/chavagne_index.png+    * http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/​maposmatic/ocitysmap.git
hackfest2009/annonce_du_projet_en_anglais.1252311006.txt.gz · Dernière modification: 2009/09/07 10:10 par